Brian from Peterborough, Cambs.
BRIAN from
Peterborough, Cambs.

“My name is Brian and I'm a 60 year old bearded man who has the joy of being married for the past 30 years to an amazing lady called Marion. We have two wonderful children Ellie and Josh.

“I have, over the years, had various stages of beards, goatee etc but it was in December of 2015 that this current beard growth started. This is the longest my beard has ever been and I love it. Not sure what my terminal length will be but I am interested to find out. I was not planning to grow it this long but it just kinda happened…

“I have learnt so much over the last 100 months on Instagram and from Mark Young of Swagger and Jacks Barbers in Norwich. I travel every couple of months to have my hair and beard trimmed - some people think I am crazy doing a 4-5 hour round trip but for me it is worth it.

“I have been a trustee for the charity Nehemiah Construction Ministries U.K. where I am responsible for the publicity and website creation since 2009. I was a chef for almost 27 years but have been a civil servant for the past 22 years.”

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